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Je kunt verschillende awards krijgen bij het behalen van mijpalen tijdens het spelen van Grepolis. Hier zullen alle awards worden vermeld welke je er in Grepolis te verkrijgen zijn en hoe je deze kunt behalen.

Lijst met awards

Hieronder is een lijst met alle te behalen awards in Grepolis.

Awards met een level

De volgende awards worden gegeven bij het behalen van bepaalde benodigdheden. In tegenstelling tot de dagelijkse awards, kun je deze ook behalen als andere spelers al verder gevorderd zijn dan jou. Deze awards zijn er om je aan te moedigen tot het leren van de belangrijke spel mogelijkheden en deze vervolgens te blijven gebruiken.

Zelfs als je een luie Grepolis speler bent en je regelmatig faalt, kun je nog steeds worden beloond voor je faal momenten. Nu kun je opscheppen over mislukkingen!

De verschijning van de awards is gebaseerd op zijn level:

Medaille Titel Beschrijving
Level I Level I Zwaar beschadigde pilaren aan elke beide kanten van de medaille
Level II Level II Licht beschadigde pilaren aan elke beide kanten van de medaille
Level III Level III Perfecte pilaren gedrapeerd met gescheurde blauwe vaandels
Level IV Level IV Perfecte pilaren gedrapeerd met perfecte blauwe vaandels

Normaal gesproken zal het hoogste level worden getoond, echter als je je account reset, zul je de awards behouden welke je voor de reset had, maar worden ze naar het laagste level teruggebracht.

Dagelijkse awards

Elk van de volgende awards worden één keer per dag gegeven aan de speler welke de hoogste award benodigdheid heeft behaald. Bijvoorbeeld, de speler welke de meeste steden heeft geplunderd op een spelwereld krijgt de "plunderaar van de dag" award. Let op, deze awards verschijnen pas op het moment dat de wereld 30 dagen open is (niet snelheid afhankelijk)

Dagelijkse awards lijken op een grafsteen. Hierbij staat de datum in de steen gegraveerd samen met een afbeelding van de bijbehorende prestatie.

Medaille Titel Beschrijving
Aanvaller van de dag Aanvaller van de dag Versla de meeste troepen als aanvaller op 1 dag.
Verdediger van de dag Verdediger van de dag Versla de meeste troepen als verdediger op 1 dag.
Plunderaar van de dag Plunderaar van de dag Plunder de meeste grondstoffen op 1 dag.
Grootmacht van de dag Grootmacht van de dag Verover de meeste steden op 1 dag.

Je kunt een groot aantal van deze awards verzamelen. Elke dag dat je de beste bent op de spelwereld voor 1 van de hierboven vermelde benodigdheden zul je een nieuwe grafsteen krijgen. Let er wel op dat deze awards pas 30 dagen na het openen van de spelwereld worden gegeven.

Speciale awards

Zo nu en dan zal er iets ongebruikelijks gebeuren in Grepolis, zoals een paasevent of een Grepolympia. Voor deze events zijn er speciale awards:

Medaille Titel Beschrijving
Advent Kalendar Award Advent Kalender Award Je hebt alle cadeaus in de advent kalender gevonden!
Geschenkenverzamelaar Geschenkenverzamelaar Je hebt al XX cadeaus verzameld in de advent kalender van 2012!
Paashaas Paashaas Je hebt alle paaseieren gevonden!
Het is Halloween Het is Halloween Log in tijdens Halloween
Pompoen verzamelaar Pompoen verzamelaar Je hebt in totaal XX poempoenen verzameld tijdens Halloween!
Pompoen jager Pompoen jager Verzamel 10 pompoenen in 60 seconde
Het is Halloween Het is Halloween Je hebt deelgenomen aan Halloween 2012!

Oktoberfest 2012

Deze awards kun je verdienen door deel te nemen aan het Oktoberfest event en het produceren van bier.

Titel Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Oktoberfest Oktoberfest 1.png

Je hebt 250 liter bier geproduceerd'

Oktoberfest 2.png

Je hebt 750 liter bier geproduceerd'

Oktoberfest 3.png

Je hebt 2000 liter bier geproduceerd'

Oktoberfest 4.png

Je hebt 4000 liter bier geproduceerd'

Paasevent 2013

Deze awards zijn te verdienen door deel te nemen aan het Paasevent 2013.

Titel Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Onverzadigdbaar Chicken Feeder 1.png

Je hebt al 50 keer je kip gevoerd

Chicken Feeder 2.png

Je hebt al 100 keer je kip gevoerd

Bestand:Hen fedeed 3.png

Je hebt al 200 keer je kip gevoerd

Bestand:Hen fedeed 4.png

Je hebt al 400 keer je kip gevoerd

Tyches Kalender 2013

Deze awards zijn te verdienen bij het deelnemen aan het Tyches kalender event door aan Tyches rad te draaien.

Titel Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Tyches favoriet Ty1.png

Je hebt aan het rad van fortuin gedraaid.


Je hebt aan 5 verschillende raderen van fortuin gedraaid


Je hebt aan 10 verschillende raderen van fortuin gedraaid


Je hebt aan 24 verschillende raderen van fortuin gedraaid

Iason's hen event 2014

Deze award is te verdienen door aan het event "Jasons kip" deel te nemen.

Titel Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Vriend van de kip Bestand:Ia1.png

Tijdens pasen 2014 heeft Jasons kip uit de onderwereld 1 ei gelegd


Tijdens pasen 2014 heeft Jasons kip uit de onderwereld 5 eieren gelegd


Tijdens pasen 2014 heeft Jasons kip uit de onderwereld 20 eieren gelegd


Tijdens pasen 2014 heeft Jasons kip uit de onderwereld 40 eieren gelegd

Kleurrijk pasen Bestand:Iac1.png

Jasons kip heeft 1 kleurrijk ei gelegd


Jasons kip heeft 2 kleurrijk ei gelegd


Jasons kip heeft 3 kleurrijk ei gelegd


Jasons kip heeft 4 kleurrijk ei gelegd

Hephaestus' Forge 2014

Deze awards zijn te verdienen door deel te nemen aan het Hephaistos' smederij event.

Titel Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Goddelijke smidse Hep1.png

Je hebt al 1 goddelijke orb geïnvesteerd in Hephaistos' smederij


Je hebt al 15 goddelijke orb geïnvesteerd in Hephaistos' smederij


Je hebt al 40 goddelijke orb geïnvesteerd in Hephaistos' smederij


Je hebt al 70 goddelijke orb geïnvesteerd in Hephaistos' smederij

Thracian Conquest 2014

This Awards is earned by participating in the Thracian conquest event.

Titel Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Leader of the Thracians Loft.png

You have rallied 100 Thracian mercenaries under your command.


You have rallied 400 Thracian mercenaries under your command.


You have rallied 1000 Thracian mercenaries under your command.


You have rallied x Thracian mercenaries under your command.

Purging the Thracian Rebels Ptr1.png

You have eliminated 500 Thracian Rebels.


You have eliminated 3000 Thracian Rebels.


You have eliminated 10.000 Thracian Rebels.


You have eliminated 50.000 Thracian Rebels.

Thracian Opressor Thro1.png

You have cleared 3 battlegrounds in Thrace.


You have cleared 15 battlegrounds in Thrace.


You have cleared 40 battlegrounds in Thrace.


You have cleared x battlegrounds in Thrace.

Thracian Unity Thru1.png

You have pacified 1 Thracian realm.


You have pacified 2 Thracian realms.


You have pacified 3 Thracian realms.


You have pacified 4 Thracian realms.

Island Quest rewards

These rewards are earned by completing the Island Quests.

Titel Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Ruler of your lands Bestand:Island quests done 1.png

You have successfully completed 10 island quests

Bestand:Island quests done 2.png

You have successfully completed 50 island quests

Bestand:Island quests done 3.png

You have successfully completed 200 island quests

Bestand:Island quests done 4.png

You have successfully completed 1000 island quests

Aggressive ruler Bestand:Island quests evil 1.png

You have completed 10 quests in a reprehensible manner

Bestand:Island quests evil 2.png

You have completed 50 quests in a reprehensible manner

Bestand:Island quests evil 3.png

You have completed 200 quests in a reprehensible manner

Bestand:Island quests evil 4.png

You have completed 400 quests in a reprehensible manner

Wise ruler Bestand:Island quests good 1.png

You have completed 10 island quests with great care

Bestand:Island quests good 2.png

You have completed 50 island quests with great care

Bestand:Island quests good 3.png

You have completed 200 island quests with great care

Bestand:Island quests good 4.png

You have completed 400 island quests with great care

Grepolympic Awards

Grepolympia Torches.png

To recognize the achievements of players in the 1st Annual Grepolympic Games, various awards are available to be won by those lucky enough to place well in the games. The first type of award is based on ranking in the events.

Titel Beschrijving Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Athletic Hoplite Racer You made it into the top 500. Your rank: Runner 4.png

1st Place

Runner 3.png

2nd Place

Runner 2.png

3rd Place

Runner 1.png

4th - 500th Place

Athletic Archer You made it into the top 500. Your rank: Archery 4.png

1st Place

Archery 3.png

2nd Place

Archery 2.png

3rd Place

Archery 1.png

4th - 500th Place

Athletic Javelin Thrower You made it into the top 500. Your rank: Javelin 4.png

1st Place

Javelin 3.png

2nd Place

Javelin 2.png

3rd Place

Javelin 1.png

4th - 500th Place

Chariot Race You made it into the top 500. Your rank: Chariot 4.png

1st Place

Chariot 3.png

2nd Place

Chariot 2.png

3rd Place

Chariot 1.png

4th - 500th Place

The second type of award is for training your athletes to the best possible condition in order to compete at top form in the events.

Titel Beschrijving Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Trained Hoplite Award for earning training points Bestand:Runner Skill 5.png

5 Training Points

Bestand:Runner Skill 10.png

10 Training Points

Bestand:Runner Skill 20.png

20 Training Points

Bestand:Runner Skill 35.png

35 Training Points

Trained Archer Award for earning training points Bestand:Archer Skill 5.png

5 Training Points

Bestand:Archer Skill 10.png

10 Training Points

Bestand:Archer Skill 20.png

20 Training Points

Bestand:Archer Skill 35.png

35 Training Points

Trained Javelin Thrower Award for earning training points Bestand:Javelin Skill 5.png

5 Training Points

Bestand:Javelin Skill 10.png

10 Training Points

Bestand:Javelin Skill 20.png

20 Training Points

Bestand:Javelin Skill 35.png

35 Training Points

Trained Chariot Racer Award for earning training points Bestand:Chariot Skill 5.png

5 Training Points

Bestand:Chariot Skill 10.png

10 Training Points

Bestand:Chariot Skill 20.png

20 Training Points

Bestand:Chariot Skill 35.png

35 Training Points

Misc Awards

Medaille Titel Beschrijving
Heroic Tactician Heroic Tactician The key to enter the Hero Worlds on one's own
Tutorial quests.png Experienced Ruler You have successfully completed all of the tutorial quests

Age of Wonders Awards

Medal Title Description
Pyramid Award.png Builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza You have completed the Great Pyramid of Giza
Gardens Award.png Builder of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon You have completed the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue Award.png Builder of the Statue of Zeus at Olympia You have completed the Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple Award.png Builder of the Temple of Artemis You have completed the Temple of Artemis
Mausoleum Award.png Builder of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus You have completed the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Colossus Award.png Builder of the Colossus of Rhodes You have completed the Colossus of Rhodes
Lighthouse Award.png Builder of the Lighthouse at Alexandria You have completed the Lighthouse at Alexandria
Master of X Master of X Award for building 4 of the 7 Wonders of the World

Where X is the World name.

Ruler of X Ruler of X Award for building all 7 Wonders of the World

Where X is the World name.

You can view a Hall of Fame of those alliances which have been awarded the Master of X award in the Hall of Fame

Resource Gathering

These awards encourage you to gather as many resources as possible, which in turn will allow you to increase the size of your civilisation and army.

While you can gain resources by building up your Timber Camp, Quarry and Silver mine, you will gain far more resources if you loot farming villages, attack enemy cities and trade goods at the market.

Medaille Titel Beschrijving Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Robber Robber Loot/Demand resources from other players 500 Resources 50,000 Resources 2,500,000 Resources 50,000,000 Resources
Jinxed Jinxed Lose units while Looting/Demanding 50 Units 250 Units 1,000 Units 5,000 Units
Merchant Merchant Trade goods at the Marketplace 20,000 Resources 200,000 Resources 2,000,000 Resources 20,000,000 Resources

Civilization Size

These awards encourage you to increase the size of your civilization by:

In order to get more cities, you'll need more Culture.

The purpose of increasing your civilization is to enable you to support a bigger army. If you're doing it just for the points (known as being a "Points whore" or "Sim city player") then enemies will just wipe you off the map as your cities will be easy targets for them to capture!

Medaille Titel Beschrijving Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Point King Point King Increase your point score 2000 Points 25,000 Points 250,000 Points 2,000,000 Points
Bread and Games Bread and Games Increase your Culture level CP Level 5 CP Level 20 CP Level 50 CP Level 150
Determined Expansionist Determined Expansionist Build Colony Ships 5 Ships 50 Ships 200 Ships 500 Ships
Peaceful Settler Peaceful Settler Colonize new cities 5 Cities 25 Cities 75 Cities 150 Cities
Conqueror Conqueror Conquer enemy cities 5 Cities 25 Cities 75 Cities 150 Cities
Island Overlord Island Overlord Own all city and anchor points on an island 1 Island 3 Islands 5 Islands 10 Islands
Ruler of the Seas Ruler of the Seas Ocean Ranking (appears 2 months after World start) Top 100 Top 30 Top 5 Rank #1
Ruler of the World Ruler of the World World Ranking (appears 2 months after World start) Top 1000 Top 100 Top 20 Rank #1


These awards encourage you to recruit more troops - a bigger army enables you to:

  • Defend better against enemy attacks
  • Attack and/or capture enemy cities
  • Loot more resources from farms and enemies
  • Gain more battle points during wars
Medaille Titel Beschrijving Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Trainer Trainer Demand Troops from farm villages 100 Recruits 1,000 Recruits 10,000 Recruits 100,000 Recruits
Legendary Army Legendary Army Train mythical creatures 5 mythical units 50 mythical units 500 mythical units 5000 mythical units


These awards encourage you to spy on other players. Your espionage activities reveal detailed information about your enemies, including:

  • The number and type of troops stationed in their city
  • The amount of resources they have in their warehouse
  • The levels of all their buildings

Armed with this information, you can better plan your attacks and have a better idea of what to expect should the enemy attack you first.

Medaille Titel Beschrijving Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Spy Spy Complete spy missions 5 Missions 50 Missions 500 Missions 5000 Missions
Double Agent Double Agent Fail spy missions 5 Missions 50 Missions 500 Missions 5000 Missions


These awards encourage you to wage war - both defending your own villages and alliance villages, and to attack enemy villages.

Medaille Titel Beschrijving Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Divine Aid Divine Aid Cast divine spells 10 Times 100 Times 1,000 Times 10,000 Times
Unrelenting Fighter Unrelenting Fighter Kill enemy units in battle as an attacker.
(Based off of units killed, not BP).
250 Kills 2,500 Kills 25,000 Kills 250,000 Kills
Heroic Death Heroic Death Lose troops while defending an ally 100 Deaths 1,000 Deaths 10,000 Deaths 100,000 Deaths
Watery Grave Watery Grave Lost without a fight 10 Drowned 100 Drowned 1,000 Drowned 10,000 Drowned
Victim Victim Die quickly Killed less than 7 days after Beginner Protection ends N/A N/A N/A

Speed Worlds

These awards are only available on "speed worlds" (worlds where everything happens at an accelerated rate)...

Medaille Titel Beschrijving Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Alliance Speed World We Came, We Played, We Conquered High alliance rank at end of Speed World Speed world finished ally 1.pngTop 100 Speed world finished ally 2.pngTop 25 Speed world finished ally 3.pngTop 10 Speed world finished ally 4.pngRank #1
Player Speed World Ruler of the World High player rank at end of Speed World Speed world finished player 1.pngTop 100 Speed world finished player 2.pngTop 25 Speed world finished player 3.pngTop 10 Speed world finished player 4.pngRank #1

Note: Normal worlds also have a "Ruler of the World" award, for more information see Civilization Size.

Choosing which awards to display

afbeelding maken en toevoegen

By default, when you receive an award only you will see it. If you want other players to see your awards, you need to edit your award settings.

To do this, go in to your Profile and choose the Awards section.

You can change the default setting for each server that you have an account shown on - select the server from the first drop down, then select what should happen when you receive new awards on that server:

  • Only visible to you -- New awards are only shown to you, nobody else can see them
  • Visible to the alliance -- New awards are made visible to members of your alliance
    • Note: It's not clear how "visible to alliance" works - for example, is it just the alliance you're in or does it also include pact alliances (allies and NAPs)? It's also unclear as to whether your alliance on other servers can see awards that aren't from that server.
  • Visible to everyone -- New awards are made visible to all Grepolis players (on all servers)

For example, if you select the "Visible to everyone" setting, then new awards will automatically be added to the "Visible to everyone" column. You're existing awards will not be updated, you'll have to move them manually if you want to change who can see them.

Regardless of the default settings, you can still manually rearrange your awards between the three columns by dragging them to a different column.

Depending on which column the award is in, other players will be able to see it in a bar at the bottom of your user profile...

Award Bar (viewing other player's awards)

To see the rewards received by a player, look on their user profile page and you'll see the award bar at the bottom:


As shown above, blue banners indicate which World (server) the players were awarded on. Players can have accounts on multiple servers so it's not uncommon to see several worlds (and their associated awards) listed.

Prolific players will have a big list of awards that scroll off the edge of the screen - you can drag the award bar with the mouse to scroll it and see more awards.

Hovering over an award will display more information about the award such as it's title and what was required to achieve it.

If no awards are shown then it's likely that the player has chosen not to make their awards publicly visible.

Why would I choose not to show my awards to everyone?

Awards can possibly give away sensitive information about your account on a server - for example, do you want opponents to know that you regularly fail espionage (spying) missions or that you've recruited lots of mythical units?

Remember that you'll always get a notice when you receive a new reward so you can manually override the display of that award fairly soon after you get it. You might still choose to add all awards to the "Visible to everyone" or "Visible to the alliance" columns, and then remove any sensitive awards after you get the notice about receiving them.

How do I show my awards in forum topics and other places?

You can insert your awards in a forum topic, your profile text, in-game messages and various other places using the "Award" button as shown below:


You can choose to display all your awards, or just awards from a specific server, or even a specific award. Quite why you'd want to do this I have no idea, but hey, its still pretty cool!

The BB Codes (formatting markup used in the in-game forums) can be pasted in to your profile, notepad and anywhere else that accepts BBCode within the game.