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Het evenement "De slag om Troje" is een aanpassing op het vorige evenement "De Thracische verovering". Troje wordt geregeerd door een valse koning en moet worden bevrijd. Achilles vraagt jouw hulp om de stad over te nemen. Dit is een goed moment voor jou om een leger huurlingen te leiden in de oorlog en hiermee exclusieve beloningen verdienen om nog sterker te worden binnen Grepolis.
During the Easter event 2015 you will be given a mythical hen that can be fed by different ingredients. Corresponding on the type of feed the hen will lay an egg with a specific reward for your city.

== De campagne kaart ==
You can get up to 8 different ingredients by several in-game actions (Constructing buildings, attacking/defending, researching, recruiting units and casting spells). With these ingredients you can feed the hen in the main event screen. The hen will lay an egg afterwards that contains a specific reward depending on the ingredients the hen has been fed with.

Het binnenvallen van Troje is te zien op deze map waar je allerlei verschillende slagvelden kan zien. Ieder slagveld is gemarkeerd met een symbool. Dit symbool is afhankelijk van de status van het slagveld.
Every time you try a new combination of ingredients, the recipe will be stored in the second event screen. Here you can check your known recipes and you can buy new ones for specific rewards.

{| class="wikitable"
As a new feature we introduce a daily and an overall ranking where you can contest with all other players for the most laid eggs. The top ranked players will receive special rewards (effects, awards) after every day.
|Dit slagveld kan worden aangevallen door jouw huurlingen.
|Dit slagveld is recentelijk aangevallen en het duurt even voordat er weer nieuwe vijanden aankomen op dit slagveld.
|Je bent nog niet ver genoeg om dit slagveld te kunnen aanvallen. Je moet het voorgaande slagveld minimaal één keer verslagen hebben.
|Op dit slagveld ligt een beloning te wachten. Je moet eerst je beloning ophalen voordat je dit slagveld weer kan aanvallen.

Er komen momenten waarop je 2 verschillende richtingen op kan gaan binnen het slagveld. De keuze is aan jou welk pad jij neemt. Natuurlijk mag je ook beide paden nemen en op alle slagvelden de strijd aan gaan!
== Feeding the hen ==

== Gevecht tegen de Trojaanse vijanden ==
To get an egg, you have to choose three types of chicken feed. The order in which you place the feed on the bowl does not matter and the same type of chicken feed can be selected more than once.
Als je een slagveld selecteert, die aan te vallen is, zal er een aanvalsscherm openen. De vijanden die aanwezig zijn en hun kracht zullen onderaan in het scherm worden weergegeven. In het bovenste gedeelte van het aanvalsscherm kun je jouw eigen huurlingen selecteren.

Next, simply click on the "Feed now" button to offer your delicacies to the picky hen. Depending on your combination she will lay an egg with a specific reward. If this was the first time you have tried a particular combination, it will be automatically saved in your recipe book.

Houdt er rekening mee dat ieder slagveld zijn eigen limiet heeft op hoeveel huurlingen je kan selecteren voor het gevecht. Heb je meer huurlingen dan dat je mag inzetten, dan zul je strategische keuzes moeten maken. Welke eenheden neem je wel mee, en welke niet. Huurlingen hebben allemaal hun eigen sterktes en zwaktes tegen specifieke eenheden.
The egg will then crack open and show your reward. You cannot feed the hen again unless you have collected the reward.

'''Een voorbeeld:'''
== How to collect chicken feed ==

''Tirailleurs doen 50% extra schade tegen Oorlogspaarden. Als er 50 Oorlogspaarden op het slagveld staan en je hebt 70 tirailleurs tot je beschikking dan is het een goed idee om 50 tirailleurs te selecteren. De extra schade telt niet voor een overschot van je tirailleurs. Stel het slagveld laat je een maximum van 80 huurlingen selecteren voor het gevecht. Dan kun je de overige 30 plaatsen (50 plaatsen zijn al bezet door de zojuist gekozen tirailleurs) invullen naar persoonlijke voorkeur. Echter is het niet verstandig om Furieuze krijgers mee te sturen, aangezien Oorlogspaarden extra schade doen tegen Furieuze krijgers!''
You can randomly find additional chicken feed after pursuing one of the following in-game activities.

* Attacking and defending
* Recruiting units
* Research
* Construction of buildings
* Casting of spells

Zoals je wellicht kan zien is er redelijk wat strategisch denken voor nodig.
The amount of chicken feed, you can find for free, is limited to 10 per day. You can buy as many additional ingredients as you want by spending gold, although the price of each ingredient will increase with each purchase by the base price (and reset at midnight).

{| border=0 align=center
{| class="wikitable"
|[[File:150px-Troy2014_Units_Ferocious Warriors.png|center|150px]]
|[[File:150px-Troy2014_Units_Gastraphetes Archers.png|center|150px]]
|[[File:150px-Troy2014_Units_War Horses.png|center|150px]]
!|Base price in gold

Als je overwonnen hebt dan zul je de beloning ontvangen van dat slagveld. Je kan er ook voor kiezen de beloning te laten liggen op het slagveld, tot aan het einde van het evenement, om hem op een ander moment op te halen. Als je jouw beloning ophaalt zullen er weer nieuwe vijanden aankomen op het slagveld, dit duurt 4 uur. Telkens nadat de vijand verslagen is worden de nieuwe vijanden sterker. Op die manier kun je vaker eenzelfde beloning ophalen terwijl de uitdaging steeds moeilijker wordt.  
== Recipe book ==

Een ander noemenswaardige kenmerk is dat zelfs als je verslagen bent op het slagveld, de verliezen bij de vijand permanent zijn. Dit betekent dat je met meerdere, kleinere aanvallen kan blijven aanvallen totdat je de vijand overwonnen hebt.
The recipe book automatically saves all combinations you have found and shows which diet leads to which kind of reward. You can also conveniently see here which ingredients are missing for a certain recipe. If you have all the required types of chicken feed you can instantly add them to the feeding bowl just by clicking the button next to the ingredients.

== Achilles ==
You have also the option to buy a random recipe for any reward type. This recipe might contain a random level of this reward.
Wanneer je een slagveld betreedt kan Achilles je helpen in de aanval. Achilles verhoogt het moraal van je troepen waardoor hun kracht met 20% omhoog gaat. Na deze heldhaftige daad zal hij twaalf uur moeten rusten. Echter voor wat goud kun je hem motiveren om direct weer het slagveld op te gaan.

== Rankings ==

All players can compete against each other in terms of produced rewards on a daily basis.
Every time you create a reward, you will get a random amount of Hen Harmony Points (up to 10 pts). The ranking is based on these Hen Harmony Points. No matter which reward you create, you always have the same chance to get Harmony Points.

== De huurlingen ==
As soon as you produce your first reward on a day you will be listed in the daily ranking. The winner of the day (rank 1) will earn an award and an effect. Every day at 8pm the ranking gets evaluated and reset. The rewards get handed out as soon as the evaluation is finished.
Alhoewel je start met een paar huurlingen is het niet verstandig met zo weinig huurlingen verder te gaan. De volgende activiteiten zullen je helpen nieuwe groepen van huurlingen te vinden.

* Aanvallen en verdedigen
{| class="wikitable"
* Het rekruteren van eenheden
| colspan="4" align="center" |
* Onderzoeken
Award: '''Egg crusher of the day'''
* Het bouwen van gebouwen
* Het inzetten van spreuken

The overall ranking will work much the same as the daily ranking but it will not reset. It will run until the event ends.
The top 10 players in the overall ranking list will receive several bonus rewards as soon as the event ends. The rewards are subdivided by position in the ranking list, meaning that the top 4 players will for example win special attack improvements of different strenghts and absolutely unique awards.

Als je een groep huurlingen vindt, zullen er 8-12 willekeurige huurlingen je leger versterken.(Tirailleurs, Furieuze krijgers, Gastraphetes-schutters, Oorlogspaarden, Myrmidonen). Houdt er rekening mee dat je maximaal tien groepen huurlingen per dag kan vinden. Natuurlijk kun je ook 10 huurlingen met goud kopen, welke bij jou blijven tot het einde van het evenement. De goudprijs per eenheid verhoogt zichzelf met de basisprijs bij iedere aankoop. Dit wordt gereset iedere dag rond middernacht.
Awards for the top 4 players of the overall ranking:

Als je huurlingen ernstig gewond raken is er geen reden om deze sterke, waardige vechters af te danken. Waarom? Omdat iedere zeven uur er een heler in je kamp zal aankomen om je huurlingen te verzorgen. Als je, je leger direct genezen wilt hebben voor een gevecht kun je de heler wat goud geven en dan zal hij meteen komen.
{| class="wikitable"
| colspan="4" align="center" |
'''Eggmaster 2015'''
!|Rank 1
!|Rank 2
!|Rank 3
!|Rank 4

Rewards for the top 10 players of the overall ranking:

{| class="wikitable"
|[[File:overall_lightshipattack30.png]] '''20x''' 30% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
[[File:overall_culture_level.png]] One entire culture level
|[[File:overall_lightshipattack20.png]] '''20x''' 20% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
|[[File:overall_lightshipattack10.png]] '''20x''' 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
|[[File:overall_lightshipattack10.png]] '''15x''' 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
|[[File:overall_lightshipattack10.png]] '''10x''' 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
|[[File:overall_lightshipattack10.png]] '''9x''' 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
|[[File:overall_lightshipattack10.png]] '''8x''' 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
|[[File:overall_lightshipattack10.png]] '''7x''' 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
|[[File:overall_lightshipattack10.png]] '''6x''' 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
|[[File:overall_lightshipattack10.png]] '''5x''' 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)

Je ontvangt een speciale beloning voor het, voor de eerste keer, verslaan van het laatste slagveld (slagveld 34).
== Additional Awards ==
{| class="wikitable"
| colspan="4" align="center" |
'''Hen Whisperer'''
!|Created 1 reward
!|Created 5 rewards
!|Created 25 rewards
!|Created 50 rewards
| colspan="4" align="center" |
'''Elemental Analyst'''
!|Found 1 recipe
!|Found 10 recipes
!|Found 25 recipes
!|Found 50 recipes

== Progress Rewards ==
All players that created a specific amount of eggs will get the following bonus rewards:

Op werelden zonder helden, krijgen alle spelers een volledig cultuur level geheel gratis.
{| class="wikitable"
!|Amount of eggs
Op werelden met helden krijgen spelers, zowel een volledig cultuur level geheel gratis, als een nieuwe, exclusieve held genaamd "Hector"
|[[File:Administrator_reward.png]] You will get the administrator for 2 weeks.
|[[File:overall_culture_level.png]] You will get an entire culture level.

Versie van 21 mrt 2015 10:26

Easter logo.png

During the Easter event 2015 you will be given a mythical hen that can be fed by different ingredients. Corresponding on the type of feed the hen will lay an egg with a specific reward for your city.

You can get up to 8 different ingredients by several in-game actions (Constructing buildings, attacking/defending, researching, recruiting units and casting spells). With these ingredients you can feed the hen in the main event screen. The hen will lay an egg afterwards that contains a specific reward depending on the ingredients the hen has been fed with.

Every time you try a new combination of ingredients, the recipe will be stored in the second event screen. Here you can check your known recipes and you can buy new ones for specific rewards.

As a new feature we introduce a daily and an overall ranking where you can contest with all other players for the most laid eggs. The top ranked players will receive special rewards (effects, awards) after every day.

Feeding the hen

Easter hen 2015.png

To get an egg, you have to choose three types of chicken feed. The order in which you place the feed on the bowl does not matter and the same type of chicken feed can be selected more than once.

Next, simply click on the "Feed now" button to offer your delicacies to the picky hen. Depending on your combination she will lay an egg with a specific reward. If this was the first time you have tried a particular combination, it will be automatically saved in your recipe book.

The egg will then crack open and show your reward. You cannot feed the hen again unless you have collected the reward.

How to collect chicken feed

Collecting feed.png

You can randomly find additional chicken feed after pursuing one of the following in-game activities.

  • Attacking and defending
  • Recruiting units
  • Research
  • Construction of buildings
  • Casting of spells

The amount of chicken feed, you can find for free, is limited to 10 per day. You can buy as many additional ingredients as you want by spending gold, although the price of each ingredient will increase with each purchase by the base price (and reset at midnight).

Image Symbol corn.png Symbol grass.png Symbol bread.png Symbol worms.png Symbol lettuce.png Symbol berries.png Symbol blossoms.png Symbol honey.png
Name Corn Grass Bread Worms Lettuce Berries Blossoms Honey
Base price in gold 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 90

Recipe book

Easter recipe book.png

The recipe book automatically saves all combinations you have found and shows which diet leads to which kind of reward. You can also conveniently see here which ingredients are missing for a certain recipe. If you have all the required types of chicken feed you can instantly add them to the feeding bowl just by clicking the button next to the ingredients.

You have also the option to buy a random recipe for any reward type. This recipe might contain a random level of this reward.



All players can compete against each other in terms of produced rewards on a daily basis. Every time you create a reward, you will get a random amount of Hen Harmony Points (up to 10 pts). The ranking is based on these Hen Harmony Points. No matter which reward you create, you always have the same chance to get Harmony Points.

As soon as you produce your first reward on a day you will be listed in the daily ranking. The winner of the day (rank 1) will earn an award and an effect. Every day at 8pm the ranking gets evaluated and reset. The rewards get handed out as soon as the evaluation is finished.

Award: Egg crusher of the day

Daily award.png

The overall ranking will work much the same as the daily ranking but it will not reset. It will run until the event ends. The top 10 players in the overall ranking list will receive several bonus rewards as soon as the event ends. The rewards are subdivided by position in the ranking list, meaning that the top 4 players will for example win special attack improvements of different strenghts and absolutely unique awards.

Awards for the top 4 players of the overall ranking:

Eggmaster 2015

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Overall award 1.png Overall award 2.png Overall award 3.png Overall award 4.png

Rewards for the top 10 players of the overall ranking:

Rank Reward
1 Overall lightshipattack30.png 20x 30% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)

Overall culture level.png One entire culture level

2 Overall lightshipattack20.png 20x 20% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
3 Overall lightshipattack10.png 20x 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
4 Overall lightshipattack10.png 15x 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
5 Overall lightshipattack10.png 10x 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
6 Overall lightshipattack10.png 9x 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
7 Overall lightshipattack10.png 8x 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
8 Overall lightshipattack10.png 7x 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
9 Overall lightshipattack10.png 6x 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)
10 Overall lightshipattack10.png 5x 10% Increased Light Ship attack (each effect lasts for 2 days)

Additional Awards

Hen Whisperer

Created 1 reward Created 5 rewards Created 25 rewards Created 50 rewards
Created reward 1.png Created reward 5.png Created reward 25.png Created reward 50.png

Elemental Analyst

Found 1 recipe Found 10 recipes Found 25 recipes Found 50 recipes
Found recipe 1.png Found recipe 10.png Found recipe 25.png Found recipe 50.png

Progress Rewards

All players that created a specific amount of eggs will get the following bonus rewards:

Amount of eggs Reward
25 Administrator reward.png You will get the administrator for 2 weeks.
50 Overall culture level.png You will get an entire culture level.